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Popular Posts 2012

Most Popular Posts Ever

The Heart Remembers - Honoring the life of others as well as our own.

Louisiana Summer Sigh - When the seasons change in our life.

Gifts From The Heart, A Christmas Poem - Waging war in our society: the warm simplicity of gifts from the heart vs. the insecurity of goliath consumerism.

Angels Left Behind: Orphans of the World - Poem about remembering the children of the world need our help.

It Isnt In Me - can you define yourself?

Popular Posts 2010 at Dennys Funny Quotes

The Interesting Man - funny odd romance. Enjoy a little humor with your romance poetry. Men who love women are always working all the angles.

Levels - A poem inspired from the devastating earthquake in Japan. It speaks to how all of us can experience earth-shattering moments, internally or externally, and learn to begin again.

Bitter Romance in the Garden - funny look at heart break

Stephen Colbert Interviews Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg About Poetry

Swirling Thoughts- how we are all so connected that one person's misfortune feels like our own.

Those Funny Memories - old memories, the ones that make us chuckle.

New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems - Start your New Year off right with lots of laughter and some smart advice on meeting those New Year resolutions.

New Years Reflection: Wine Glass Abyss - In spite of all the negatives going on around us in our daily life these things shall soon pass. Keep your balance and strive to better the world.

Vision of The Gardener Prophet - 2012 begins early. Check out a poem of prophecy warning humanity.

Jazz Music Get lost in the moment living a New Orleans night...

Pollen Storms - yes, it's allergy season with a dose of humor and some great photography.

A Man In Love - A true story of just how far a man will go to survive when he is in love during war time - a poem story about the struggle for love reunited.

Legacy of Love - Never feel what you know is not important enough to share: mentor!

Waking The Day - When the day - and I - awaken, present in the moment.

Water Of Life - Have you ever wondered the messages Nature speaks to us every day, happening every minute all around us? Great Nature photos.

Funny Thanksgiving Quotes, Video, Cartoons and Food Posts - Enjoy some Thanksgiving humor along with more delectable recipes to make your mouth water waiting for the next holiday.


Waking The Day - When the day - and I - awaken, present in the moment.

Water Of Life - Have you ever wondered the messages Nature speaks to us every day, happening every minute all around us? Great Nature photos.

The Interesting Man - funny odd romance. Enjoy a little humor with your romance poetry. Men who love women are always working all the angles.

Bitter Romance In The GardenAn amusing parable about relationships - and humor found after a mock bitter romance.

The Heart Remembers - Honoring the life of others as well as our own.

Louisiana Summer Sigh - When the seasons change in our life.

A ThoughtHave you ever thought about the hidden words behind the words spoken out loud?

Levels - A poem inspired from the devastating earthquake in Japan. It speaks to how all of us can experience earth-shattering moments, internally or externally, and learn to begin again.

New Years Reflection: Wine Glass Abyss

Popular Posts 2010 at Poems From A Spiritual Heart

New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems - Start your New Year off right with lots of laughter and some smart advice on meeting those New Year resolutions.

Video: Happy New Year Animated Dancing Penguins

Unusual 2 Tasty: Chocolate Pudding In The Raw - vegan raw food diet recipe.

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations: What Is Your Daily Meditation Focus, How Do You Know You Succeeded In The World? - at my spiritual quotes and thoughts blog.

Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 30 Jan 2011

Popular Posts 2010 at Dennys Funny Quotes

Funny Life and Christmas Cartoons

20 Christmas Poems From Favorite Classic Poets


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