Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations: 12 Funny Quotes About Prayer

Bird Song!

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations: 12 Funny Quotes About Prayer: From Denny: Prayer is a wonderful thing. It can bring us comfort, calm our fears and inspire us. It's also quite amusing to view it in terms of the human condition called "whining." There is also "bargaining." Once you grow past those two obvious pitfalls you discover "peaceful communion."

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Romancing The Chocolate: Decadent Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Raspberry Mosaic

Romancing The Chocolate: Decadent Chocolate Cake: This chocolate cake uses high end chocolate, just perfect for the discriminating tastes for the holidays.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 Nov 2011

Cover of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart...

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 Nov 2011: From Denny: Check out blog posts on photography, arts, food, news, politics, a huge amount of humor - especially the political pundits, poetry, astronomy, quotes, music, spiritual and just about anything else that catches my eclectic interest. Can you tell that 140 characters just doesn't work for me? :)

The last posts roundup I did was back in June and we sure are overdue like a long pregnancy. Be sure to bookmark this post as you will enjoy endless hours of laughing while you absorb some good information.

Most of the blog posts are at my flagship blog that spun off into the other 20, The Social Poets, where the news crashes into humor. I even manage to write a few in-depth news posts, slicing and dicing the BS that passes for truth these days on the airwaves.

And to think I do all this in my spare time... Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Primordial Dragon

From Denny: What is it with humanity's fascination with winged beings, be they angel or dragon? In an online writing group there was a challenge to write about dragons. What fun! Everyone wrote about dragons as evil vicious beasts as from the Western mythology.

Well, I spent most of my high school in Asia where the mythology is far different, Chinese mythology, that is. Come on; it seemed every time I turned around there was a street festival with the lion and dragon dances performed for good luck and prosperity!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dennys Guest Bloggers: Travels to India: Experience of The Walking Meditation

Walking Meditations (I)

Dennys Guest Bloggers: Travels to India: Experience of The Walking Meditation: From Denny: Check out this post of a woman's travel back to her ancestors' homeland in India. She and her husband decided to practice the meditation known as Vipassana. The concept is that by focusing upon every action in the moment you end up clearing your mind of clutter and worries.

It also can be quite tiring as you learn to focus that deeply for long periods of time. Trust me; you do get better at it. It's like exercising a muscle; the more you exercise the stronger you get.

This writer, Chaya Parmessur, recounts her new experience with good humor as she travels on her spiritual path.
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dennys Guest Bloggers: A Reflective Poem: Mirror

mirror and scale

Dennys Guest Bloggers: A Reflective Poem: Mirror: From Denny: Here's a link to an beautiful little poem I found today where the poet's inner feelings are as reflective as the mirror.

Click on the image to visit the photographer's page, Paul Keller @ flickr. He found this mirror in Spain: "Mirror in a workshop on the terrain of the Portbou Railway Station on the border between Spain and France."

So, you see, I found two treasures in one day!
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