An amusing parable about relationships - and humor found after a mock bitter romance.
Bitter Romance In The Garden
Moody twilight rolled down the hilly sky
Lush garden welcomed me softly.
The lover looked on in secret;
Seductively, he whispered on the wind.
He escaped my notice;
Perfumed rose breezes distracted.
Pleasant, ending of the day.
Not seen, he brushed lightly my wrist, more;
I turned to see whose touch, no one.
The twilight lay down to sleep deep night.
I retired to my curving bed, wondering,
Who was that secret lover, unseen?
Next day at first light, I awakened.
At once, I knew that bitter lover, his name:
Poison Ivy.
You, cad, you.
Two weeks later, remembering,
Wearing, enduring your caustic kiss.
Decadent baths three times daily,
Soak away your incendiary romance,
Cooling the passion of your
Whispered, burning kiss.
No summer’s friend,
Liar in the garden,
False promising, secret lover,
Nature’s sneaky misfit,
Poison Ivy,
You, cad, you.
Beware that bitter garden romance…
Denny Lyon
Copyright 4 June 2009
All Rights Reserved
* * * Check out the Complete Poem List for more selections.
Photo Credit
Photo by Athena's Pix @ flickr
Poem List: Complete Poem List available above too on tabs bar
- Complete Poem List HERE
- An Audience of One
- A Man In Love
- A Protesters Poem
- A Thought
- Angel Diaries: Samuel
- Angels Left Behind: Orphans of the World
- Bitter Romance in the Garden
- Black Queen Guardian
- Blue Heron Balancing The Wind
- Conversations
- Eyeing Think Time
- Fourth of July When Life is Simple
- Gifts From The Heart, A Christmas Poem
- God Talked
- Honoring Ourselves
- Hope Transforms
- In Passing
- It Isnt In Me
- Jazz Music
- Legacy of Love
- Levels
- Life Of Words
- Life is About Everything
- Louisiana Summer Sigh
- Love Gift
- Loving You
- Mother Holy Spirit
- New Years Reflection: Wine Glass Abyss
- One Mother and One Child
- Opposites In Love: Night And Day
- Peace Upon The Land
- People Words
- Poem From God
- Pollen Storms
- Rain Blessings
- Release Your Dreams and Spring into Life
- Rock, My Children
- Silent Voice Singing
- Snowing The Perfect Balance
- Stepping Through Life
- Sweltering Summer Heat
- The 11 Choices
- The Heart Remembers
- The Interesting Man
- The International Spy
- The Long Road, An Easter Poem
- The Mystics Arrive
- The Owl Speaks
- The People Seasons
- The Smallest Earth Day Poem
- The Understanding
- Those Funny Memories
- Three Endings and One Beginning
- Vision of The Gardener Prophet
- Walk The World
- Water Of Life
- We Are All Sleeping Beauties
- eye i
- when the angels cry for us
Monday, November 29, 2010
Bitter Romance in the Garden
Labels: arts,poetry,spiritual,funny,news,politics
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Rock, My Children
A poem written during the 911 anniversary that talks about dealing with profound loss, the death of a child.

From Denny: Lately, I've been running across a lot of news stories talking about loss, in particular the loss of a child, and suddenly a rash of news stories about miscarriage, not exactly something you see talked about in the news. It also happens to be the anniversary of the dreaded 911 when terrorists cruelly killed thousands of loving people from all over the world in the New York City Twin Towers bombing, impacting families for generations to come.
So, it hit me that too many people are dealing with loss right now, the kind of loss that is severe disappointment to put it mildly. Miscarriage is often a lonely burden of which it seems other women in particular choose to be insensitive and do not seem to sympathize - unless it has happened to them. You can read as far back as the Old Testament Bible where women with children jeered and taunted women unable to bear children.
People think the accounts in the Bible are just story-telling. Well, there is a reason for those stories left for us down through the ages: do we recognize ourselves as one of the characters in those stories? If we do, what are we going to do about it?
A lot of people have asked me over the years how to deal with deep emotional and spiritual pain as it just seems too unbearable. My answer has always been the same: grieve, grieve some more, force yourself to keep moving forward, but most of all, keep looking to the future for the revelation of why your Life Plan took this turn. If you ask the question, you recieve the answer: eventually, which can take years before you are ready to see and accept the answer. You will be pleasantly surprised that what you thought was such a terrible thing turned out to be a small sacrifice for how you ended up benefiting humanity.
Can I tell you that this poem was a tough write? Too personal, I suppose... Many families are dealing with loss right now by the loss of a loved one be it a child, a parent, a spouse. Divorce is a similiar lonely burden like miscarriage, something others do not seem to fully understand any better than one or both of the divorced people.
This poem was written on this sorrowful anniversary of 911 to echo the pain and sadness of those suffering personal loss. This poem is also a personal recounting of my own struggle with loss after loss, way too many miscarriages that wrecked my physical health for a number of years until I figured out how to heal myself.
This is also the true story of an adult special child who instantly was drawn to my rocking chair I had purchased, stained and varnished, then prayed lots of love into for rocking my own children who never came (or so I thought at the time).
This special child wanted to take the rocker back to their home center for all the other kids to share with her. She said a lot of the parents had quit coming to visit their children and the kids were lonely.
What had happened is that the parents were dead. Their closest relatives lived several states away from the state facility. My heart went out to her and instantly I agreed to give her the rocker. Plus, in my heart I knew there was something unusual and wonderful transpiring here as God was at work through this special child.
I went to visit that facility months later after the gift of the rocker and witnessed first hand the supreme satisfaction of the adult residents. The caretakers were quick to tell me all the stories associated with the rocker and that it seemed to have special magical powers, instantly calming and soothing whoever sat in it and rocked. Many of the residents suffered terrible seizures because of brain injuries yet were calmed when placed in the rocker, recovering faster than usual from their episodes. Many of the adult special children suffered from severe epilepsy and other issues so this rocker was a healer too. I could not ask for anything better to learn.
Fifteen years later the revelation came of my niche in Life and it was quite a surprise, a pleasant surprise! You may find your purpose in Life is far larger than you ever intended or expected too.

Rock, My Children
When disappointment creeps near
After dreams are shattered
Our hearts mourn slowly
Yearning for what never lived

When others seem so happy
After we experience loss
Our hearts grieve longer
Yearning for what they enjoy

When we cannot understand
After chasing dream to dream
Our hearts flutter in hope
Yearning to finally succeed

When sitting in the lonely rocker
After the child has died
Our hearts sink deeper down
Yearning to feel their tiny presence

When rocking ourselves to sleep
After crying away our dream
Our hearts seek to mend us
Yearning to heal seared wounds

When our thoughts turn to children
After grieving months, even years
Our hearts feel hopelessly stuck
Yearning to know the why of Life’s Plan

When we feel like pieces of ourselves
After striving to move forward in Time
Our hearts still cry for what was not
Yearning to find meaning in the loss

When other women judge us harshly
After deciding we must not want children
Our hearts grieve, hurting worse
Yearning to know sisterly compassion

When one day fifteen years later our answer came
After drowning far too long in sadness
Our hearts look out to find a seeking child
Yearning, pointing to our rocker with delight

When the rocker is claimed wonderfully as their own
After touching, feeling the embedded loving prayers
Our hearts leap up to gather this new child close
Yearning to know where to send the unused Love

The rocker finally found a new home much needed
For years the lonely rocker filled with smiling special children
Adult special children cuddled gladly in its reassuring embrace
Renewed by a mother’s love so strong thy sighed with safe content

When the Never Mothers’ own children were lost
After Life dealt one seemingly cruel hand
Our hearts soon mended in Love and purpose
Yearning to see revealed the truth of what was meant to be

Mothers’ Love was not meant to be confined to a few
Mothers’ Love is eternally sent out to all those in need
Life’s Plan was to embrace the children of the world

Rock, my children
Rock in the knowing
You are well loved

Rock, My Children…
Denny Lyon
Copyright 11 September 2009
All Rights Reserved
* * * Check out the Complete Poem List for more selections.
Photo Credits
Angel child photo from StumbleUpon, no attribution available
Spring time pregnant photo by Carnaval King 08 @ flickr
Baby feet photo by Sabrina Campagna @ flickr
Black heart photo from StumbleUpon, no attribution available
Single shadowed rocking chair photo by blmurch @ flickr
Eye spy photo by lepiaf.geo @ flickr
Collage woman photo by DerrickT @ flickr
Hands on black background photo by batega @ flickr
Child reading in rocker photo by Lori Greig @ flickr
Special Olympics T-shirt slogan photo by Dru Bloomfield - At Home in Scottsdale @ flickr
Row of rockering chairs photo by Felixe @ flickr
Umbrellas in the rain photo by 1Happysnapper (is catching up slowly) @ flickr
Marine Lioness in Iraq photo by Yankee November @ flickr - ASH SHAFIYAH, IRAQ (12 November 2004) - LCpl. Brandy L. Guerrero, a radio operator assigned to the Communications Detachment, Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Service Support Group 11, 11th MEU (Special Operations Capable), gives a kiss to an Iraqi baby waiting to be examined during a Humanitarian Assistance Operation (HAO) in the village of Ash Shafiyah, Iraq. The HAO provided medical and dental treatment to more than 115 Iraqis. (Since I come from a 100 year tradition of Marines on one side of the family, all proud Democrats, I just had to include this awesome photo of nurturing from a warrior, so much like many of my tough, crusty but nurturing male warrior mentors when I was growing up.)
Adult and child hands photo by marcuzzo @ flickr
JOY photo by alicepopkorn @ flickr
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
911, 911 anniversary, God, love, Special Olympics, sorrow, sad, death, grief, counseling, depression, divorce, family, relationships, men and women, mothers, children, Kids and Teens, religion and spirituality

From Denny: Lately, I've been running across a lot of news stories talking about loss, in particular the loss of a child, and suddenly a rash of news stories about miscarriage, not exactly something you see talked about in the news. It also happens to be the anniversary of the dreaded 911 when terrorists cruelly killed thousands of loving people from all over the world in the New York City Twin Towers bombing, impacting families for generations to come.
So, it hit me that too many people are dealing with loss right now, the kind of loss that is severe disappointment to put it mildly. Miscarriage is often a lonely burden of which it seems other women in particular choose to be insensitive and do not seem to sympathize - unless it has happened to them. You can read as far back as the Old Testament Bible where women with children jeered and taunted women unable to bear children.
People think the accounts in the Bible are just story-telling. Well, there is a reason for those stories left for us down through the ages: do we recognize ourselves as one of the characters in those stories? If we do, what are we going to do about it?
A lot of people have asked me over the years how to deal with deep emotional and spiritual pain as it just seems too unbearable. My answer has always been the same: grieve, grieve some more, force yourself to keep moving forward, but most of all, keep looking to the future for the revelation of why your Life Plan took this turn. If you ask the question, you recieve the answer: eventually, which can take years before you are ready to see and accept the answer. You will be pleasantly surprised that what you thought was such a terrible thing turned out to be a small sacrifice for how you ended up benefiting humanity.
Can I tell you that this poem was a tough write? Too personal, I suppose... Many families are dealing with loss right now by the loss of a loved one be it a child, a parent, a spouse. Divorce is a similiar lonely burden like miscarriage, something others do not seem to fully understand any better than one or both of the divorced people.
This poem was written on this sorrowful anniversary of 911 to echo the pain and sadness of those suffering personal loss. This poem is also a personal recounting of my own struggle with loss after loss, way too many miscarriages that wrecked my physical health for a number of years until I figured out how to heal myself.
This is also the true story of an adult special child who instantly was drawn to my rocking chair I had purchased, stained and varnished, then prayed lots of love into for rocking my own children who never came (or so I thought at the time).
This special child wanted to take the rocker back to their home center for all the other kids to share with her. She said a lot of the parents had quit coming to visit their children and the kids were lonely.
What had happened is that the parents were dead. Their closest relatives lived several states away from the state facility. My heart went out to her and instantly I agreed to give her the rocker. Plus, in my heart I knew there was something unusual and wonderful transpiring here as God was at work through this special child.
I went to visit that facility months later after the gift of the rocker and witnessed first hand the supreme satisfaction of the adult residents. The caretakers were quick to tell me all the stories associated with the rocker and that it seemed to have special magical powers, instantly calming and soothing whoever sat in it and rocked. Many of the residents suffered terrible seizures because of brain injuries yet were calmed when placed in the rocker, recovering faster than usual from their episodes. Many of the adult special children suffered from severe epilepsy and other issues so this rocker was a healer too. I could not ask for anything better to learn.
Fifteen years later the revelation came of my niche in Life and it was quite a surprise, a pleasant surprise! You may find your purpose in Life is far larger than you ever intended or expected too.

Rock, My Children
When disappointment creeps near
After dreams are shattered
Our hearts mourn slowly
Yearning for what never lived

When others seem so happy
After we experience loss
Our hearts grieve longer
Yearning for what they enjoy

When we cannot understand
After chasing dream to dream
Our hearts flutter in hope
Yearning to finally succeed

When sitting in the lonely rocker
After the child has died
Our hearts sink deeper down
Yearning to feel their tiny presence

When rocking ourselves to sleep
After crying away our dream
Our hearts seek to mend us
Yearning to heal seared wounds

When our thoughts turn to children
After grieving months, even years
Our hearts feel hopelessly stuck
Yearning to know the why of Life’s Plan

When we feel like pieces of ourselves
After striving to move forward in Time
Our hearts still cry for what was not
Yearning to find meaning in the loss

When other women judge us harshly
After deciding we must not want children
Our hearts grieve, hurting worse
Yearning to know sisterly compassion

When one day fifteen years later our answer came
After drowning far too long in sadness
Our hearts look out to find a seeking child
Yearning, pointing to our rocker with delight

When the rocker is claimed wonderfully as their own
After touching, feeling the embedded loving prayers
Our hearts leap up to gather this new child close
Yearning to know where to send the unused Love

The rocker finally found a new home much needed
For years the lonely rocker filled with smiling special children
Adult special children cuddled gladly in its reassuring embrace
Renewed by a mother’s love so strong thy sighed with safe content

When the Never Mothers’ own children were lost
After Life dealt one seemingly cruel hand
Our hearts soon mended in Love and purpose
Yearning to see revealed the truth of what was meant to be

Mothers’ Love was not meant to be confined to a few
Mothers’ Love is eternally sent out to all those in need
Life’s Plan was to embrace the children of the world

Rock, my children
Rock in the knowing
You are well loved

Rock, My Children…
Denny Lyon
Copyright 11 September 2009
All Rights Reserved
* * * Check out the Complete Poem List for more selections.
Photo Credits
Angel child photo from StumbleUpon, no attribution available
Spring time pregnant photo by Carnaval King 08 @ flickr
Baby feet photo by Sabrina Campagna @ flickr
Black heart photo from StumbleUpon, no attribution available
Single shadowed rocking chair photo by blmurch @ flickr
Eye spy photo by lepiaf.geo @ flickr
Collage woman photo by DerrickT @ flickr
Hands on black background photo by batega @ flickr
Child reading in rocker photo by Lori Greig @ flickr
Special Olympics T-shirt slogan photo by Dru Bloomfield - At Home in Scottsdale @ flickr
Row of rockering chairs photo by Felixe @ flickr
Umbrellas in the rain photo by 1Happysnapper (is catching up slowly) @ flickr
Marine Lioness in Iraq photo by Yankee November @ flickr - ASH SHAFIYAH, IRAQ (12 November 2004) - LCpl. Brandy L. Guerrero, a radio operator assigned to the Communications Detachment, Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Service Support Group 11, 11th MEU (Special Operations Capable), gives a kiss to an Iraqi baby waiting to be examined during a Humanitarian Assistance Operation (HAO) in the village of Ash Shafiyah, Iraq. The HAO provided medical and dental treatment to more than 115 Iraqis. (Since I come from a 100 year tradition of Marines on one side of the family, all proud Democrats, I just had to include this awesome photo of nurturing from a warrior, so much like many of my tough, crusty but nurturing male warrior mentors when I was growing up.)
Adult and child hands photo by marcuzzo @ flickr
JOY photo by alicepopkorn @ flickr
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
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The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
911, 911 anniversary, God, love, Special Olympics, sorrow, sad, death, grief, counseling, depression, divorce, family, relationships, men and women, mothers, children, Kids and Teens, religion and spirituality
Labels: arts,poetry,spiritual,funny,news,politics
Friday, November 26, 2010
Rain Blessings
Native Americans divide rain into the two categories of nurturing Mother Rain and destructive Father Rain.
From Denny: I was reminded of the Native American thoughts about rain. They divide rain into Mother Rains and Father Rains. The Mother Rains are soft and nurturing, helping growth and beginning a life anew. The Father Rains are destructive, destroying all that was built because it was shown to be upon a false foundation or it was time to tear it down to build something better.
We all love the nurturing easy soft rains but are in fear of the harsh loud severe storms. The Native Americans lived in Nature, observed Nature and learned from Nature. Today we are too removed from Nature and have forgotten so many of our ancestors' wisdom about balance and harmony. This poem is to bring back our ancient memories we all own so we can live fuller - and happier - lives.
Rain Blessings

Life encircles, waits and teaches
Gently offering Mother Rain
Nurturing, healing and growing

Life surrounds, exploits and disciplines
Harshly demanding Father Rain
Judging, crashing and destroying

The Rain of Sorrows weighs heavy
Loading our hearts’ pockets like stones
May the Sun of Love slip safely into your heart

Drying up brimming waters of gloomy sorrows
Transforming sorrow stones to nothing dust
Blown away easily in one quick strong breath

The Rain of Troubles appear unexpectedly
Cramming our minds with screaming worry rats
May the Sun of Wisdom sit down on your doorstep

Lighting your inner lantern onto a new inspiring path
Dissolving lack of harmony with one powerful thought

The Rain of Worries and Fears hover overhead stagnant
Soaking our valley of desires like a rushing flash flood

May the Sun of Understanding speak words of calm
Welcoming the rational return of wordless balance
Banishing like a wizard what lingers as unimportant

When the Rains come welcome them all in your Life
Mother Rain as nurturing, Father Rain as destroying
Purpose, understanding, growth through trial they bring

From the Rain of Sorrows we leave behind the past
From the Rain of Troubles we leave behind resentment
From the Rain of Worries and Fears we leave behind mistrust

Heal your disappointments and come back into harmony

Nurture your happiness and create your inner peace

Grow your courage to reach out beyond yourself to Love
Denny Lyon
Copyright 24 September 2009
All Rights Reserved
* * * Check out the Complete Poem List for more selections.
Photo Credits
Sunset photo by anirbanbiswas_c8 @ flickr
Lightning Photo by phatman @ flickr
Red rain photo by tourist_on_earth @ flickr
Storm clouds Photo by muha… @ flickr
Hand in water Photo by h.koppdelaney @ flickr
Into the sun path photo by James Jordan @ flickr
Clouds photo by luc.viatour @ flickr
Go with the flow Photo by muha… @ flickr
New day Photo by h.koppdelaney @ flickr
Reflection Photo by muha… @ flickr
Heart bridge Photo by h.koppdelaney @ flickr
Inner peace photo by Jeff Kubina @ flickr
Peacemaker Photo by muha... @ flickr
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
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The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
From Denny: I was reminded of the Native American thoughts about rain. They divide rain into Mother Rains and Father Rains. The Mother Rains are soft and nurturing, helping growth and beginning a life anew. The Father Rains are destructive, destroying all that was built because it was shown to be upon a false foundation or it was time to tear it down to build something better.
We all love the nurturing easy soft rains but are in fear of the harsh loud severe storms. The Native Americans lived in Nature, observed Nature and learned from Nature. Today we are too removed from Nature and have forgotten so many of our ancestors' wisdom about balance and harmony. This poem is to bring back our ancient memories we all own so we can live fuller - and happier - lives.
Rain Blessings

Life encircles, waits and teaches
Gently offering Mother Rain
Nurturing, healing and growing

Life surrounds, exploits and disciplines
Harshly demanding Father Rain
Judging, crashing and destroying

The Rain of Sorrows weighs heavy
Loading our hearts’ pockets like stones
May the Sun of Love slip safely into your heart

Drying up brimming waters of gloomy sorrows
Transforming sorrow stones to nothing dust
Blown away easily in one quick strong breath

The Rain of Troubles appear unexpectedly
Cramming our minds with screaming worry rats
May the Sun of Wisdom sit down on your doorstep

Lighting your inner lantern onto a new inspiring path
Dissolving lack of harmony with one powerful thought

The Rain of Worries and Fears hover overhead stagnant
Soaking our valley of desires like a rushing flash flood

May the Sun of Understanding speak words of calm
Welcoming the rational return of wordless balance
Banishing like a wizard what lingers as unimportant

When the Rains come welcome them all in your Life
Mother Rain as nurturing, Father Rain as destroying
Purpose, understanding, growth through trial they bring

From the Rain of Sorrows we leave behind the past
From the Rain of Troubles we leave behind resentment
From the Rain of Worries and Fears we leave behind mistrust

Heal your disappointments and come back into harmony

Nurture your happiness and create your inner peace

Grow your courage to reach out beyond yourself to Love
Denny Lyon
Copyright 24 September 2009
All Rights Reserved
* * * Check out the Complete Poem List for more selections.
Photo Credits
Sunset photo by anirbanbiswas_c8 @ flickr
Lightning Photo by phatman @ flickr
Red rain photo by tourist_on_earth @ flickr
Storm clouds Photo by muha… @ flickr
Hand in water Photo by h.koppdelaney @ flickr
Into the sun path photo by James Jordan @ flickr
Clouds photo by luc.viatour @ flickr
Go with the flow Photo by muha… @ flickr
New day Photo by h.koppdelaney @ flickr
Reflection Photo by muha… @ flickr
Heart bridge Photo by h.koppdelaney @ flickr
Inner peace photo by Jeff Kubina @ flickr
Peacemaker Photo by muha... @ flickr
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
Labels: arts,poetry,spiritual,funny,news,politics
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Funny Thanksgiving Quotes, Video, Cartoons and Food Posts
Enjoy some Thanksgiving humor along with more delectable recipes to make your mouth water waiting for the next holiday.
From Denny: Funny Thanksgiving quotes, a funny Thanksgiving dance video, funny Thanksgiving cartoons, an hilarious post featuring fighting turkeys with captions, another funny post about the infamous Gluttony Pants now in holiday fashion - and lots of great food. What more could you ask for after a great meal while cruising the web? Uh... maybe a waist extender for my pants? Oh, yeah... but the food was soooo good! :)
And a few serious gratitude posts to round out the season...
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone, and hope you enjoy your holiday!
Funny posts:
Funny Holiday Fashion: Gluttony Pants - Get the latest holiday clothing to ensure comfortable holiday feasting.
21 Funny Thanksgiving Fighting Turkey Photos
Monday Lite: Late Night Jokes, Thanksgiving and TSA Cartoons - 22 Nov 2010
Funny Thanksgiving Quotes - Cheeky Quote Day! 25 Nov 2009
5 Funny Thanksgiving Quotes, Photos
Geeky Girl Gone Wild: Happy Thanksgiving Dance!
Editorial Cartoons Roundup 28 Nov 2009
And a few serious posts:
A Man In Love - A true story of just how far a man will go to survive when he is in love during war time. A Thanksgiving holiday poem.
A Prayer of Wisdom From An Unknown Confederate Soldier
How Does Gratitude Unlock the Fullness of Life?
111 Insightful Life Quotes
Emeril's Brined Turkey
Thanksgiving Food:
Chef Emeril Cooks Holiday Menu: 7 Delicious Recipes - Cook your holiday feast with favorite chef Emeril Lagasse.
6 Easy Turkey Thanksgiving Recipes and Gravy, Roasting Tips and Advice
8 Cajun Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes, BBQ Turkey, Deep Fry Turkey, Roasting Tips
Chicago Chef Jimmy Bannos Cajun Thanksgiving Menu of 12 Recipes
Chef Paul Deen: Easy Holiday Cola-Basted Ham, Cranberry Sauce - Check out a simple recipe that is always a bit hit with family and friends during the holiday season.
Chef Lidia Bastianich: Easy Italian Christmas Cookie Recipes - Chef Lidia Bastianich shares Italian holiday cookies from her childhood.
Martha Stewart Thanksgiving Recipes: Pumpkin Bread Pudding, Pumpkin Donut Muffins - Martha Stewart shares a couple of her holiday recipes of what else you can make with that iconic autumnal food: pumpkin.
Chef Thomas Keller: Thanksgiving Brunch Recipes - Check out one of best chefs in America and a wonderful brunch menu for the holidays.
Easy Holiday Pasta From Chef Michael Chiarello - Check out some easy holiday ideas using pasta to make a spectacular and tasty meal sure to impress everyone - 3 recipes.
Fall Comfort Food NYC Chef Style: Braised Osso Buco, Risotto, Salad - Check out how to make Italian comfort food in an hour, all done in the oven - 3 recipes.
Pumpkin Risotto, Crispy Bread Soffritto, and Pumpkin Chile Recipes
Unusual Exotic Thanksgiving Menu, Poll on Turkey Vs. Sides Debate
*** Feathered Turkey Photo by eye of einstein @ flickr
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
*** Check out Holiday Recipes From Dennys Food and Recipes
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts - my own best as well as links to other spiritual posts from all viewpoints
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
From Denny: Funny Thanksgiving quotes, a funny Thanksgiving dance video, funny Thanksgiving cartoons, an hilarious post featuring fighting turkeys with captions, another funny post about the infamous Gluttony Pants now in holiday fashion - and lots of great food. What more could you ask for after a great meal while cruising the web? Uh... maybe a waist extender for my pants? Oh, yeah... but the food was soooo good! :)
And a few serious gratitude posts to round out the season...
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone, and hope you enjoy your holiday!
Funny posts:
Funny Holiday Fashion: Gluttony Pants - Get the latest holiday clothing to ensure comfortable holiday feasting.
21 Funny Thanksgiving Fighting Turkey Photos
Monday Lite: Late Night Jokes, Thanksgiving and TSA Cartoons - 22 Nov 2010
Funny Thanksgiving Quotes - Cheeky Quote Day! 25 Nov 2009
5 Funny Thanksgiving Quotes, Photos
Geeky Girl Gone Wild: Happy Thanksgiving Dance!
Editorial Cartoons Roundup 28 Nov 2009
And a few serious posts:
A Man In Love - A true story of just how far a man will go to survive when he is in love during war time. A Thanksgiving holiday poem.
A Prayer of Wisdom From An Unknown Confederate Soldier
How Does Gratitude Unlock the Fullness of Life?
111 Insightful Life Quotes
Emeril's Brined Turkey
Thanksgiving Food:
Chef Emeril Cooks Holiday Menu: 7 Delicious Recipes - Cook your holiday feast with favorite chef Emeril Lagasse.
6 Easy Turkey Thanksgiving Recipes and Gravy, Roasting Tips and Advice
8 Cajun Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes, BBQ Turkey, Deep Fry Turkey, Roasting Tips
Chicago Chef Jimmy Bannos Cajun Thanksgiving Menu of 12 Recipes
Chef Paul Deen: Easy Holiday Cola-Basted Ham, Cranberry Sauce - Check out a simple recipe that is always a bit hit with family and friends during the holiday season.
Chef Lidia Bastianich: Easy Italian Christmas Cookie Recipes - Chef Lidia Bastianich shares Italian holiday cookies from her childhood.
Martha Stewart Thanksgiving Recipes: Pumpkin Bread Pudding, Pumpkin Donut Muffins - Martha Stewart shares a couple of her holiday recipes of what else you can make with that iconic autumnal food: pumpkin.
Chef Thomas Keller: Thanksgiving Brunch Recipes - Check out one of best chefs in America and a wonderful brunch menu for the holidays.
Easy Holiday Pasta From Chef Michael Chiarello - Check out some easy holiday ideas using pasta to make a spectacular and tasty meal sure to impress everyone - 3 recipes.
Fall Comfort Food NYC Chef Style: Braised Osso Buco, Risotto, Salad - Check out how to make Italian comfort food in an hour, all done in the oven - 3 recipes.
Pumpkin Risotto, Crispy Bread Soffritto, and Pumpkin Chile Recipes
Unusual Exotic Thanksgiving Menu, Poll on Turkey Vs. Sides Debate
*** Feathered Turkey Photo by eye of einstein @ flickr
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
*** Check out Holiday Recipes From Dennys Food and Recipes
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts - my own best as well as links to other spiritual posts from all viewpoints
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
Labels: arts,poetry,spiritual,funny,news,politics
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 Nov 2010
Check out news, opinion, silly political humor and funny cartoons, jokes, recipes, poetry, photography, science, spiritual thoughts and great quotes.
From Denny: The year just marches on, doesn't it? This is a roundup of the past three weeks of various posts. Oh, how I wish I had the time to write more science posts as I do enjoy being curious about my world. If it were not for the tense political times requiring constant attention I'd be off writing about art, science, poetry, lots of food, photography and total humor.
With all the tough economic times it seems like we all have to stay on top of our politicians to get the very best from them. These days with so much in flux economically, politically, rogue countries struggling to become nuclear states and the last gasps of terrorist organizations still rearing their ugly little heads, I'm focused on writing mostly news. Like you, I long for a time when Life is easier and a lot more enjoyable. Those times will come again. Try to be patient. And while you are being patient, keep your foot in the backs of your politicians, making them crystal clear aware of what you voted for is what you expect to be delivered. Game on! :)
The Social Poets:
House Democrats Reshuffle, Rangel Found Guilty - Find out the latest of who is heading up the Democratic leadership to battle the Republicans for the next two years.
Rising Rage Over Airport Scanners and Pat Downs - Dont Touch My Junk Video and how airport scanners pose a serious public health risk to millions.
American and World Politics Humor - 13 Nov 2010 - Midterm election shellacking, President Bush, G-20 summit, new orange House Speaker and crazy Tea Party cartoons and a cute dancing political cat.
Friday Lite: Latest Late Nite Jokes and Videos - 12 Nov 2010 - Latest jokes about the midterm election shellacking, funny videos, a Cee Lo Green music video from Colbert.
The Heart Remembers: Veterans Day poem Libations Friday On A Thursday - 11 Nov 2010 - Honoring the life of others as well as our own.
Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss Talks About Midterm Shellacking - Check out the interesting stories from history of how other Presidents responded when handed their heads by the voters in a midterm election.
Late Nite Jokes and Funny Videos - 2 Nov 2010 - Comics have fun lampooning the campaign process. Get Dennys Predictions for what happens next into the 2010 election.
Women, And Their Civil Rights, Abused By Tea Party Activists - A conservative Tea Party Rand Paul supporter attacks a MoveOn protester by stomping on her head. What the Democratic Party needs to do to get back the female vote.
American Midterms and World Politics Cartoons - 30 Oct 2010 - Negative campaign ads were never so much fun to lampoon as cartoonists are enjoying this political season.
Jon Stewart Interviews Obama Economic Advisor - Check out the latest from the Obama economic advisor about the state of the American economy.
Americans Lose Jobs Twice As Fast As Immigrants Gain Jobs - In the 2009 jobs report, immigrants gained 656,000 jobs while native-born Americans lost 1.2 million.
Prez Obama Interviews At The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Check out the class act of the President talking with Jon Stewart.
Why Women Are Not Inspired to Vote Right Now - Find out what is bothering women voters about this midterm election season.
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 25 Oct 2010 - Check out news, political opinion, political humor and funny cartoons, recipes, poetry, funny posts, photography, science, spiritual thoughts and great quotes.
American and World Economy Cartoons - 24 Oct 2010 - Check out the national mind and opinions of our economy through the eyes of cartoonists.
American Political Season - 23 Oct 2010 - This sure is a mean - and more competitive than usual - political season.
Friday Lite: Funny Elvira Spoofs I Am Not A Witch Ad - Where Halloween humor meets political humor in America.
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 21 Oct 2010
Roundup of Late Nite Jokes and Videos - 18 Oct 2010 - Check out this week's late night jokes, latest cartoons, funniest video clips from Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart.
American Economy and Crazy World Politics - 16 Oct 2010 - To our politicians: the nation's cartoonists are watching you... Check out their latest opinions about the state of the economy, the current election season and world politics.
Chilean Miners Video: All 33 Miners As They Emerged From Mine and More - Listen to rescued miner Mario talk about getting out more Love in the world.
Monday Lite: Roundup of Late Night Jokes and Videos - 11 Oct 2010
American Economy and Crazy Politics - 9 Oct 2010 - Check out this week's latest political humor from the nation's cartoonists. The Tea Party wins hands down on the most talked about this election season.
Poem From God - Libations Friday 8 Oct 2010 - Even God has a sense of humor about how to handle repeated rejection. Take a look.
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:
A Poem Of Remembrance - Honoring the life of others as well as our own. A love poem for Veterans Day, a memorial poem.
Numerology: Whats So Unusual About The Date 10-10-2010? - Check out some fun facts about the numberology of special dates and the month of October.
How Do You Fit Into The Universe? - A simple spiritual technique to help train the ego effortlessly.
Inspiring Quotes About Dealing With Rejection - Some great advice from famous people about handling rejection.
11 Inspiring Quotes and Poem About Dealing With Rejection - Check out this mind food when you need to pick yourself back up from rejection.
17 Short Beautiful Love Poems - Enjoy some beautiful short poems about our favorite subject: Love - from classic poets of the past as well as today. Many are perfect for use in a greeting card.
What Do You Feel About Love? - Do you have your own personal definition of Love?
Meditative Moon Photos - The moon continues to fascinate humanity - and creative photographers.
7 Thoughtful Quotes About The Future - Enjoy these reflections upon how we think about our future.
A Healing Spiritual Poem: Waking The Day - Spiritual symbolism is all around us in our daily life, ready to help heal and balance.
Ancient Healing Oil: Sandalwood - Modern technology life can be stressful and counter productive to spiritual growth. Try this essential oil to bring balance into your life.
Dennys Funny Quotes:
Life Is Funny Cartoons - 13 Nov 2010 - Enjoy the cracked minds of these cartoonists today as they explore the lives and thoughts of everyone around them.
Funny Video: Colbert Mocks Bush Memoir Decision Points - Colbert enjoys the presidential memoir - a real page-turner.
Funny Video: Potty Training Your Sloth - Check out real life humor of how to potty train a very slow sloth.
Video: 10 Funniest and Seriously Trippy Cereal Ads - Check out some funny demented cereal ads over the decades - and how your mind has been secretly brainwashed to buy their products as adults.
Funny Video: Jon Stewart Mocks Really Negative Campaign Ads - Lots of voter anger aimed at both political parties, especially from these negative campaign ads choking the air waves every election.
Funny Video: Jon Stewart - How Republicans Prepare to Take Back Power - Stewart supporters oppose Republican takeover of our government.
Funny God Versus Satan Joke: Its All In The Creation - Come get a grin as God and Satan duke it out over who helps or hurts humanity.
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 25 Oct 2010
Funny Work Cartoons - 25 Oct 2010 - When your life does not seem to be quite all together - get a grin to make your day good again.
Funny Video: Scientists Study Drugged Spiders - Check out the crazy antics of these drugged spiders.
Funny Photos: Voraciously Hungry Birds - Check out some startling photos of birds as they catch some unusual finds for their dinner tables - complete with irreverent commentary.
Visual Insights:
Music Video: Cee Lo Green Performs On Colbert Report - Colbert has some fun with popular musician Cee Lo Greene.
Best Of Funny Halloween Cartoons - 26 Oct 2010 - Get a laugh at the cracked minds of some funny cartoonists this Halloween season.
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 25 Oct 2010
Art and Music Videos: Chinese Painting Demo and The Misty Rain of Jiangnan in China - This music video is great for meditation.
Music Video: From Enya - The First of Autumn - Enya pairs some beautiful autumnal photos with music.
Music Video: Classic Happy Song from Belle Stars - Iko Iko - This catchy song will have you dancing in no time, looking silly to the neighborhood - and you won't care 'cause you will feel so good.
The Soul Calendar:
Is That A UFO In The Sky Or A Planet? - Check out the unusual night sky this month.
How Northern Lights Are Created By Sun Flares - Check out 3 video clips of the solar flares and magnetic filament in action as they create the Northern Lights on Earth.
Giant Asteroid Threatens Earth In 170 Years - Crank up the planet asteroid defense system because Earth is expecting an asteroid impact soon - by astronomical time.
Funny Tech Cartoons - 22 Oct 2010 - Get a grin as cartoonists entertain us with their take on the technology of the day and the influence upon society.
Rare: Super Harvest Moon Occurs On Fall Solstice - Check out rare summer-autumn twilight glow that only happens about every 20 years.
Mapping Our Complex Brains: Human Connectome Project - Fascinating new project mapping the complex circuitry of our brains.
Dennys Food and Recipes:
*** Check out Holiday Recipes From Dennys Food and Recipes
Easy Holiday Pasta From Chef Michael Chiarello - Check out some easy holiday ideas using pasta to make a spectacular and tasty meal sure to impress everyone - 3 recipes.
Fall Comfort Food NYC Chef Style: Braised Osso Buco, Risotto, Salad - Check out how to make Italian comfort food in an hour, all done in the oven - 3 recipes.
Healthy Recipes: Chef Menu Goes Vegan, 3 Recipes - Check out some healthy vegan substitutes from funny chef author of Skinny Bitch Cookbook.
Drink: Chocolate Martini - A chocolate martini, with the glass rim coated with fresh pear and shaved chocolate, for that perfect sip.
Candy: Almond Brittle - The best combination ever invented: almonds and chocolate. Enjoy this chef recipe of a few ingredients.
Chocolate: Chocolate Risotto - Enjoy a rice pudding style dessert made with chocolate.
Chocolate: Beef Stew With Chocolate - This Chef David Rocco is on a roll with awesome savory recipes using dark chocolate as a star ingredient.
Chocolate: Penne Pasta with Chocolate and Anchovies - Another creative food thought from Chef David Rocco.
Appetizer with Chocolate: Sauteed Shrimp Drizzled with Chocolate - Check out this unusual dish employing chocolate as a spice.
Poems From A Spiritual Heart:
A Man In Love - A true story of just how far a man will go to survive when he is in love during war time - a poem story about the struggle for love reunited. A Thanksgiving holiday poem.
The Heart Remembers - Honoring the life of others as well as our own. A Veterans Day or Remembrance memorial poem.
Loving You - How Love heals, nurtures, comforts, and builds trust so a person can blossom into great strength, and, in turn, give to others in their time of need.
The Understanding - We build Peace in our lives a moment at a time - and this is a poem story of how it can start early in childhood as it did for me.
Walk The World - A poem about sharing our life with others - when we are both in need - to receive the greatest gift.
The Mystics Arrive - Who are the true mystics in this generation? How does a person develop into a mystic?
The Interesting Man - Enjoy a little humor with your romance poetry. Men who love women are always working all the angles.
Honoring Ourselves - Are you honoring yourself every moment of your life?
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts - my own best as well as links to other spiritual posts from all viewpoints
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
From Denny: The year just marches on, doesn't it? This is a roundup of the past three weeks of various posts. Oh, how I wish I had the time to write more science posts as I do enjoy being curious about my world. If it were not for the tense political times requiring constant attention I'd be off writing about art, science, poetry, lots of food, photography and total humor.
With all the tough economic times it seems like we all have to stay on top of our politicians to get the very best from them. These days with so much in flux economically, politically, rogue countries struggling to become nuclear states and the last gasps of terrorist organizations still rearing their ugly little heads, I'm focused on writing mostly news. Like you, I long for a time when Life is easier and a lot more enjoyable. Those times will come again. Try to be patient. And while you are being patient, keep your foot in the backs of your politicians, making them crystal clear aware of what you voted for is what you expect to be delivered. Game on! :)
The Social Poets:
House Democrats Reshuffle, Rangel Found Guilty - Find out the latest of who is heading up the Democratic leadership to battle the Republicans for the next two years.
Rising Rage Over Airport Scanners and Pat Downs - Dont Touch My Junk Video and how airport scanners pose a serious public health risk to millions.
American and World Politics Humor - 13 Nov 2010 - Midterm election shellacking, President Bush, G-20 summit, new orange House Speaker and crazy Tea Party cartoons and a cute dancing political cat.
Friday Lite: Latest Late Nite Jokes and Videos - 12 Nov 2010 - Latest jokes about the midterm election shellacking, funny videos, a Cee Lo Green music video from Colbert.
The Heart Remembers: Veterans Day poem Libations Friday On A Thursday - 11 Nov 2010 - Honoring the life of others as well as our own.
Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss Talks About Midterm Shellacking - Check out the interesting stories from history of how other Presidents responded when handed their heads by the voters in a midterm election.
Late Nite Jokes and Funny Videos - 2 Nov 2010 - Comics have fun lampooning the campaign process. Get Dennys Predictions for what happens next into the 2010 election.
Women, And Their Civil Rights, Abused By Tea Party Activists - A conservative Tea Party Rand Paul supporter attacks a MoveOn protester by stomping on her head. What the Democratic Party needs to do to get back the female vote.
American Midterms and World Politics Cartoons - 30 Oct 2010 - Negative campaign ads were never so much fun to lampoon as cartoonists are enjoying this political season.
Jon Stewart Interviews Obama Economic Advisor - Check out the latest from the Obama economic advisor about the state of the American economy.
Americans Lose Jobs Twice As Fast As Immigrants Gain Jobs - In the 2009 jobs report, immigrants gained 656,000 jobs while native-born Americans lost 1.2 million.
Prez Obama Interviews At The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Check out the class act of the President talking with Jon Stewart.
Why Women Are Not Inspired to Vote Right Now - Find out what is bothering women voters about this midterm election season.
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 25 Oct 2010 - Check out news, political opinion, political humor and funny cartoons, recipes, poetry, funny posts, photography, science, spiritual thoughts and great quotes.
American and World Economy Cartoons - 24 Oct 2010 - Check out the national mind and opinions of our economy through the eyes of cartoonists.
American Political Season - 23 Oct 2010 - This sure is a mean - and more competitive than usual - political season.
Friday Lite: Funny Elvira Spoofs I Am Not A Witch Ad - Where Halloween humor meets political humor in America.
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 21 Oct 2010
Roundup of Late Nite Jokes and Videos - 18 Oct 2010 - Check out this week's late night jokes, latest cartoons, funniest video clips from Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart.
American Economy and Crazy World Politics - 16 Oct 2010 - To our politicians: the nation's cartoonists are watching you... Check out their latest opinions about the state of the economy, the current election season and world politics.
Chilean Miners Video: All 33 Miners As They Emerged From Mine and More - Listen to rescued miner Mario talk about getting out more Love in the world.
Monday Lite: Roundup of Late Night Jokes and Videos - 11 Oct 2010
American Economy and Crazy Politics - 9 Oct 2010 - Check out this week's latest political humor from the nation's cartoonists. The Tea Party wins hands down on the most talked about this election season.
Poem From God - Libations Friday 8 Oct 2010 - Even God has a sense of humor about how to handle repeated rejection. Take a look.
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:
A Poem Of Remembrance - Honoring the life of others as well as our own. A love poem for Veterans Day, a memorial poem.
Numerology: Whats So Unusual About The Date 10-10-2010? - Check out some fun facts about the numberology of special dates and the month of October.
How Do You Fit Into The Universe? - A simple spiritual technique to help train the ego effortlessly.
Inspiring Quotes About Dealing With Rejection - Some great advice from famous people about handling rejection.
11 Inspiring Quotes and Poem About Dealing With Rejection - Check out this mind food when you need to pick yourself back up from rejection.
17 Short Beautiful Love Poems - Enjoy some beautiful short poems about our favorite subject: Love - from classic poets of the past as well as today. Many are perfect for use in a greeting card.
What Do You Feel About Love? - Do you have your own personal definition of Love?
Meditative Moon Photos - The moon continues to fascinate humanity - and creative photographers.
7 Thoughtful Quotes About The Future - Enjoy these reflections upon how we think about our future.
A Healing Spiritual Poem: Waking The Day - Spiritual symbolism is all around us in our daily life, ready to help heal and balance.
Ancient Healing Oil: Sandalwood - Modern technology life can be stressful and counter productive to spiritual growth. Try this essential oil to bring balance into your life.
Dennys Funny Quotes:
Life Is Funny Cartoons - 13 Nov 2010 - Enjoy the cracked minds of these cartoonists today as they explore the lives and thoughts of everyone around them.
Funny Video: Colbert Mocks Bush Memoir Decision Points - Colbert enjoys the presidential memoir - a real page-turner.
Funny Video: Potty Training Your Sloth - Check out real life humor of how to potty train a very slow sloth.
Video: 10 Funniest and Seriously Trippy Cereal Ads - Check out some funny demented cereal ads over the decades - and how your mind has been secretly brainwashed to buy their products as adults.
Funny Video: Jon Stewart Mocks Really Negative Campaign Ads - Lots of voter anger aimed at both political parties, especially from these negative campaign ads choking the air waves every election.
Funny Video: Jon Stewart - How Republicans Prepare to Take Back Power - Stewart supporters oppose Republican takeover of our government.
Funny God Versus Satan Joke: Its All In The Creation - Come get a grin as God and Satan duke it out over who helps or hurts humanity.
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 25 Oct 2010
Funny Work Cartoons - 25 Oct 2010 - When your life does not seem to be quite all together - get a grin to make your day good again.
Funny Video: Scientists Study Drugged Spiders - Check out the crazy antics of these drugged spiders.
Funny Photos: Voraciously Hungry Birds - Check out some startling photos of birds as they catch some unusual finds for their dinner tables - complete with irreverent commentary.
Visual Insights:
Music Video: Cee Lo Green Performs On Colbert Report - Colbert has some fun with popular musician Cee Lo Greene.
Best Of Funny Halloween Cartoons - 26 Oct 2010 - Get a laugh at the cracked minds of some funny cartoonists this Halloween season.
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 25 Oct 2010
Art and Music Videos: Chinese Painting Demo and The Misty Rain of Jiangnan in China - This music video is great for meditation.
Music Video: From Enya - The First of Autumn - Enya pairs some beautiful autumnal photos with music.
Music Video: Classic Happy Song from Belle Stars - Iko Iko - This catchy song will have you dancing in no time, looking silly to the neighborhood - and you won't care 'cause you will feel so good.
The Soul Calendar:
Is That A UFO In The Sky Or A Planet? - Check out the unusual night sky this month.
How Northern Lights Are Created By Sun Flares - Check out 3 video clips of the solar flares and magnetic filament in action as they create the Northern Lights on Earth.
Giant Asteroid Threatens Earth In 170 Years - Crank up the planet asteroid defense system because Earth is expecting an asteroid impact soon - by astronomical time.
Funny Tech Cartoons - 22 Oct 2010 - Get a grin as cartoonists entertain us with their take on the technology of the day and the influence upon society.
Rare: Super Harvest Moon Occurs On Fall Solstice - Check out rare summer-autumn twilight glow that only happens about every 20 years.
Mapping Our Complex Brains: Human Connectome Project - Fascinating new project mapping the complex circuitry of our brains.
Dennys Food and Recipes:
*** Check out Holiday Recipes From Dennys Food and Recipes
Easy Holiday Pasta From Chef Michael Chiarello - Check out some easy holiday ideas using pasta to make a spectacular and tasty meal sure to impress everyone - 3 recipes.
Fall Comfort Food NYC Chef Style: Braised Osso Buco, Risotto, Salad - Check out how to make Italian comfort food in an hour, all done in the oven - 3 recipes.
Healthy Recipes: Chef Menu Goes Vegan, 3 Recipes - Check out some healthy vegan substitutes from funny chef author of Skinny Bitch Cookbook.
Drink: Chocolate Martini - A chocolate martini, with the glass rim coated with fresh pear and shaved chocolate, for that perfect sip.
Candy: Almond Brittle - The best combination ever invented: almonds and chocolate. Enjoy this chef recipe of a few ingredients.
Chocolate: Chocolate Risotto - Enjoy a rice pudding style dessert made with chocolate.
Chocolate: Beef Stew With Chocolate - This Chef David Rocco is on a roll with awesome savory recipes using dark chocolate as a star ingredient.
Chocolate: Penne Pasta with Chocolate and Anchovies - Another creative food thought from Chef David Rocco.
Appetizer with Chocolate: Sauteed Shrimp Drizzled with Chocolate - Check out this unusual dish employing chocolate as a spice.
Poems From A Spiritual Heart:
A Man In Love - A true story of just how far a man will go to survive when he is in love during war time - a poem story about the struggle for love reunited. A Thanksgiving holiday poem.
The Heart Remembers - Honoring the life of others as well as our own. A Veterans Day or Remembrance memorial poem.
Loving You - How Love heals, nurtures, comforts, and builds trust so a person can blossom into great strength, and, in turn, give to others in their time of need.
The Understanding - We build Peace in our lives a moment at a time - and this is a poem story of how it can start early in childhood as it did for me.
Walk The World - A poem about sharing our life with others - when we are both in need - to receive the greatest gift.
The Mystics Arrive - Who are the true mystics in this generation? How does a person develop into a mystic?
The Interesting Man - Enjoy a little humor with your romance poetry. Men who love women are always working all the angles.
Honoring Ourselves - Are you honoring yourself every moment of your life?
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts - my own best as well as links to other spiritual posts from all viewpoints
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
Labels: arts,poetry,spiritual,funny,news,politics
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Interesting Man
Enjoy a little humor with your romance poetry. Men who love women are always working all the angles.
The Interesting Man
An interesting man I one day met
Downtown he lazily strolled near
The Saturday morning food market
He was long retired, happily
He took his well muscled relaxing ease
He eyed all the prettiest ladies
His attention rested first upon me
Other women took notice of us
Magnetized, a horde drifted our way
Loving his chilled demeanor we remarked
A steady gaze he wore like a fine silk suit
Ethan was his name
Ethan loved women
And women loved Ethan
Many men, riveting their gaze,
Feeling threatened and
Too curious, turned our way,
"Who is this guy causing such a stir?"
As the crowd swelled more
In a tight and intimate embrace
I cupped my hand to his throat
Ethan shifted his weight obligingly
He leaned into me, eagerly greeting my hand
"He's a leaner," offered his embarrassed young friend
Again, and again, I stroked Ethan ever so gently
A woman in the growing crowd loudly declared,
Certainly for All too loudly well heard,
"So, you say he's retired from the race track?
And a Red Brindle Greyhound breed at that?!"
Ethan grinned.
That famous Greyhound smiling grin.
Ethan loved women
And women,
We loved Ethan.
Denny Lyon
9 August Copyright 2009
All Rights Reserved
* * * Check out the Complete Poem List for more selections.
Note: Please consider adopting a former racetrack greyhound. They are generally retired at ages 2 - 5 years old, affectionate and good with older children. Some are high energy and some are mellow temperaments. They tend not to suffer from hip dysplasia like other tall breeds and live long, up to 14 years. You never know, you might get lucky and find another confident chilled guy like Ethan!
For more greyhound facts, go here
Photo Credits
Love Circle Photo by *_Abhi_* @ flickr
Funny Greyhound Photo by liza31337 @ flickr
Man and woman in the ocean of love photo by notsogoodphotography @ flickr
Great flamingos photo by Kjunstorm @ flickr
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
The Interesting Man
An interesting man I one day met
Downtown he lazily strolled near
The Saturday morning food market
He was long retired, happily
He took his well muscled relaxing ease
He eyed all the prettiest ladies
His attention rested first upon me
Other women took notice of us
Magnetized, a horde drifted our way
Loving his chilled demeanor we remarked
A steady gaze he wore like a fine silk suit
Ethan was his name
Ethan loved women
And women loved Ethan
Many men, riveting their gaze,
Feeling threatened and
Too curious, turned our way,
"Who is this guy causing such a stir?"
As the crowd swelled more
In a tight and intimate embrace
I cupped my hand to his throat
Ethan shifted his weight obligingly
He leaned into me, eagerly greeting my hand
"He's a leaner," offered his embarrassed young friend
Again, and again, I stroked Ethan ever so gently
A woman in the growing crowd loudly declared,
Certainly for All too loudly well heard,
"So, you say he's retired from the race track?
And a Red Brindle Greyhound breed at that?!"
Ethan grinned.
That famous Greyhound smiling grin.
Ethan loved women
And women,
We loved Ethan.
Denny Lyon
9 August Copyright 2009
All Rights Reserved
* * * Check out the Complete Poem List for more selections.
Note: Please consider adopting a former racetrack greyhound. They are generally retired at ages 2 - 5 years old, affectionate and good with older children. Some are high energy and some are mellow temperaments. They tend not to suffer from hip dysplasia like other tall breeds and live long, up to 14 years. You never know, you might get lucky and find another confident chilled guy like Ethan!
For more greyhound facts, go here
Photo Credits
Love Circle Photo by *_Abhi_* @ flickr
Funny Greyhound Photo by liza31337 @ flickr
Man and woman in the ocean of love photo by notsogoodphotography @ flickr
Great flamingos photo by Kjunstorm @ flickr
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
Labels: arts,poetry,spiritual,funny,news,politics
funny animals,
humor poem,
love poem,
love poetry,
romance poetry,
The Interesting Man poem
Friday, November 12, 2010
A Man In Love
A true story of just how far a man will go to survive when he is in love during war time - a poem story about the struggle for love reunited.

A Man in Love
After our Thanksgiving Day meal my husband and I lounged on the couch sipping our after-dinner coffee.
Every Thanksgiving we talk, sometimes for hours, about touching stories we heard that year.
This is a true story that took place more than 60 years ago in the World War Two generation.
It’s the universal story of a young soldier at war, yearning to get home to the woman he loves.
Oddly, as the story unfolded, I felt that finger-run up your spine sensation that happens when your spirit is awakened from its slumber.
The spiritual energy journeyed upward, warmed and flung open the doors of my heart, my eyes brimming with tears and a smile.
Then the energy rose up into my head in a burst of spreading light and settling calm.
In seconds I was intensely awake and aware, knowing to focus upon the story for it was important.
The young soldier was a lieutenant who had served in North Africa and Normandy.
It was here in Normandy he found himself alone on a hill, badly wounded by shrapnel.
He was separated from his unit. No one knew his location and no one could retrieve him under withering enemy fire if they did.
Charles knew he had to do something or he would die of his wounds in a matter of minutes.
He thought long and hard about his priorities in Life. Charles had not seen his wife in almost three years.

All he wanted to do was get home to make love to his wife. It was a simple decision that propelled him forward.
While the bullets flew above his head and near him he started crawling down that hill an inch at a time, bleeding profusely.
He kept the image of his wife’s face in his head, determined to make it home to her.
Charles wondered if he was going to survive this crawl downhill. Between the bullets and the blood he knew he needed immediate medical attention. He crawled on.
Finally, he made it to the bottom of the hill safely. He saw another soldier and begged him to help, asking him to call a medic.
The soldier replied, “No problem. I am a medic.” Charles was well relieved and thankful. The first person he meets at the bottom of the hill was a medic.
The medic tended to his wounds, stopped the bleeding and stabilized him for transport.
He asked the name of the Mexican-American medic because he didn’t want to forget the name of the man who saved his life.
The medic stuck out his hand to shake and said, “Oh, I’m Jesus, glad to meet you.”
Charles was startled, wondering if God had really heard his battlefield prayer and then thought maybe it was just coincidence.
Months passed while Charles was in the hospital recovering from his wounds.
The war was ending, he recovered well enough and was sent home.
Finally, he would see his wife’s face in person, no longer dependent upon her letters and a well worn photo he kept in his pocket to remember her beautiful face.
Charles traveled back to Texas where he and his wife were to meet. He promised to meet her at a special hotel.
When he arrived at the hotel lobby, Charles was surprised to see the place flooded with soldiers arriving back from the war just like him.
He tried to book a room but they were full; Charles was shocked he didn’t realize to plan ahead.
He sat down in the lobby trying to figure out what to do. He was shocked this reunion was not the beautiful meeting he had planned in his mind.
The reality of disappointing his wife overwhelmed him. He slumped into the lobby chair, frozen in disbelief.
He could not seem to lift his head, think straight or move his feet to action. Charles just sat there dumbfounded.
After all he went through to stay alive on the battlefield, heal in the hospital and travel here, he had not anticipated this.
As he was reflecting upon his dilemma and how to face his wife, a man approached him.
“I see you look troubled, soldier. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Charles came out of his battlefield reverie of what he had promised himself as he crawled down that hill to see a tall man, well dressed in an expensive business suit.
He wondered why the man was bothering to care about him but was touched at his concern.
Charles suddenly opened up and told the man his problem, something before this war he would have never done to a complete stranger.
The man nodded his head, said nothing, and turned to go over to the hotel desk.
The stranger returned to Charles, and said in a kind voice, “Don’t worry, soldier. It’s all been arranged. You deserve the best.”
Charles was startled, “What do you mean?”
The man smiled, handed him the room key, and walked away.
Charles was so shocked he barely mumbled his thanks as the man disappeared. He never did get his name.
While he was counting his good luck his mood began to lift. His wife walked into the lobby just ten minutes after the stranger left his side.
As he saw his wife approach he forgot all about everything. His dream was reality. He was finally reunited with his love. Suddenly everything felt right in the world again.
When he and his wife arrived at their room, Charles was surprised the man had given them not just a basic room but a spacious well-appointed suite.
Nine months to the day of their hotel reunion their first child was born.
Charles knew the birth of their child was his third blessing.
As Charles tells his story all these years later he is convinced that man was an angel, “And if he wasn’t a real angel, well, he sure was to me and my wife that day!”
Denny Lyon
Copyright 26 November 2009
Thanksgiving Day
All Rights Reserved
* * * Check out the Complete Poem List for more selections.
Photo by @ flickr
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A Man in Love
After our Thanksgiving Day meal my husband and I lounged on the couch sipping our after-dinner coffee.
Every Thanksgiving we talk, sometimes for hours, about touching stories we heard that year.
This is a true story that took place more than 60 years ago in the World War Two generation.
It’s the universal story of a young soldier at war, yearning to get home to the woman he loves.
Oddly, as the story unfolded, I felt that finger-run up your spine sensation that happens when your spirit is awakened from its slumber.
The spiritual energy journeyed upward, warmed and flung open the doors of my heart, my eyes brimming with tears and a smile.
Then the energy rose up into my head in a burst of spreading light and settling calm.
In seconds I was intensely awake and aware, knowing to focus upon the story for it was important.
The young soldier was a lieutenant who had served in North Africa and Normandy.
It was here in Normandy he found himself alone on a hill, badly wounded by shrapnel.
He was separated from his unit. No one knew his location and no one could retrieve him under withering enemy fire if they did.
Charles knew he had to do something or he would die of his wounds in a matter of minutes.
He thought long and hard about his priorities in Life. Charles had not seen his wife in almost three years.

All he wanted to do was get home to make love to his wife. It was a simple decision that propelled him forward.
While the bullets flew above his head and near him he started crawling down that hill an inch at a time, bleeding profusely.
He kept the image of his wife’s face in his head, determined to make it home to her.
Charles wondered if he was going to survive this crawl downhill. Between the bullets and the blood he knew he needed immediate medical attention. He crawled on.
Finally, he made it to the bottom of the hill safely. He saw another soldier and begged him to help, asking him to call a medic.
The soldier replied, “No problem. I am a medic.” Charles was well relieved and thankful. The first person he meets at the bottom of the hill was a medic.
The medic tended to his wounds, stopped the bleeding and stabilized him for transport.
He asked the name of the Mexican-American medic because he didn’t want to forget the name of the man who saved his life.
The medic stuck out his hand to shake and said, “Oh, I’m Jesus, glad to meet you.”
Charles was startled, wondering if God had really heard his battlefield prayer and then thought maybe it was just coincidence.
Months passed while Charles was in the hospital recovering from his wounds.
The war was ending, he recovered well enough and was sent home.
Finally, he would see his wife’s face in person, no longer dependent upon her letters and a well worn photo he kept in his pocket to remember her beautiful face.
Charles traveled back to Texas where he and his wife were to meet. He promised to meet her at a special hotel.
When he arrived at the hotel lobby, Charles was surprised to see the place flooded with soldiers arriving back from the war just like him.
He tried to book a room but they were full; Charles was shocked he didn’t realize to plan ahead.
He sat down in the lobby trying to figure out what to do. He was shocked this reunion was not the beautiful meeting he had planned in his mind.
The reality of disappointing his wife overwhelmed him. He slumped into the lobby chair, frozen in disbelief.
He could not seem to lift his head, think straight or move his feet to action. Charles just sat there dumbfounded.
After all he went through to stay alive on the battlefield, heal in the hospital and travel here, he had not anticipated this.
As he was reflecting upon his dilemma and how to face his wife, a man approached him.
“I see you look troubled, soldier. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Charles came out of his battlefield reverie of what he had promised himself as he crawled down that hill to see a tall man, well dressed in an expensive business suit.
He wondered why the man was bothering to care about him but was touched at his concern.
Charles suddenly opened up and told the man his problem, something before this war he would have never done to a complete stranger.
The man nodded his head, said nothing, and turned to go over to the hotel desk.
The stranger returned to Charles, and said in a kind voice, “Don’t worry, soldier. It’s all been arranged. You deserve the best.”
Charles was startled, “What do you mean?”
The man smiled, handed him the room key, and walked away.
Charles was so shocked he barely mumbled his thanks as the man disappeared. He never did get his name.
While he was counting his good luck his mood began to lift. His wife walked into the lobby just ten minutes after the stranger left his side.
As he saw his wife approach he forgot all about everything. His dream was reality. He was finally reunited with his love. Suddenly everything felt right in the world again.
When he and his wife arrived at their room, Charles was surprised the man had given them not just a basic room but a spacious well-appointed suite.
Nine months to the day of their hotel reunion their first child was born.
Charles knew the birth of their child was his third blessing.
As Charles tells his story all these years later he is convinced that man was an angel, “And if he wasn’t a real angel, well, he sure was to me and my wife that day!”
Denny Lyon
Copyright 26 November 2009
Thanksgiving Day
All Rights Reserved
* * * Check out the Complete Poem List for more selections.
Photo by @ flickr
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Labels: arts,poetry,spiritual,funny,news,politics
Denny Lyon,
love poem,
love poetry,
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war poem,
world war two
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Heart Remembers
Honoring the life of others as well as our own.

The Heart Remembers
once a year we remember
those who fell before us.
some fell before we were born
and we never knew them.
some fell in our life time
and we never knew them.
we hear their stories
from the news and family.
we learn about their lives
and how well and good they lived.
this day is often one of sadness,
causing us to pause and think
of what was and what could have been.
and now when I part from a loved one
I always say, “I love you” and
“I am always with you” because
you never know when they will fall
and not be remembered
except in my quiet heart...
Denny Lyon
Copyright 11 Nov 2010 - Veterans Day
All Rights Reserved
* * * Check out the Complete Poem List for more selections.
Photo Credits
Don't Tear Love Apart photo by thompsonwood @ flickr
Couple in love photo by @ flickr
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
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Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
The Heart Remembers
once a year we remember
those who fell before us.
some fell before we were born
and we never knew them.
some fell in our life time
and we never knew them.
we hear their stories
from the news and family.
we learn about their lives
and how well and good they lived.
this day is often one of sadness,
causing us to pause and think
of what was and what could have been.
and now when I part from a loved one
I always say, “I love you” and
“I am always with you” because
you never know when they will fall
and not be remembered
except in my quiet heart...
Denny Lyon
Copyright 11 Nov 2010 - Veterans Day
All Rights Reserved
* * * Check out the Complete Poem List for more selections.
Photo Credits
Don't Tear Love Apart photo by thompsonwood @ flickr
Couple in love photo by @ flickr
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Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
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Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
Labels: arts,poetry,spiritual,funny,news,politics
American Poets,
Denny Lyon,
Dennys poetry,
female poets,
Libations Friday,
love poem,
memorial poem,
online poets,
The Social Poets blog,
Veterans Day poetry
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